Yay! I spent all my hard earned cash on Peggle! Again!
Honestly, I might be the only human being that has a working computer with a mouse and Steam that doesn't care about the Steam Summer Sale, or 'S3' as I'll call it affectionately. Now, many of you might be thinking, "Okay, what the hell is the point of this crap? The Steam Sale is the single best thing to happen to video game culture ever. I can buy my favorite games for low prices, and my favorite online game provider gets cash. The developers even score mega-cash out of my impulse buys and wishlist fillings, so there's really no way to lose on this one."
And, ever the perceptive one, you, Mr. Smartypants, are completely right. There is literally no way to lose during S3. You just can't. Pretty much every game you've ever wanted, old or new, was under 30 dollars for the duration of this week-and-a-half. That's right. You could've received Skyrim for half of it's normal price. However, even though video game sales are rare outside of Steam and should not be taken for granted, I'll say this much: the S3 also gives gamers something called "Overloaded Gaming Syndrome", or what I like to call "Why I still haven't played Sword and Sorcery".
This scene reminds me of this one time in Dark Souls...
...I should go play Dark Souls.
...I should go play Dark Souls.
Now, most of us have probably been there: you've just seen a price that just can't be beat in any store outside of ThePirateBay, and you've been looking at videos for this game since it came out. You've wanted to play it so much but you just didn't have the money to buy it. Until now. Now that it's 5 bucks, it's worth the purchase. Now, normally during sales, that's okay, because the item you've bought is something that you feel attached to, as if you found it yourself at that low price. Anyone in their right mind would want to play/wear/use that new item because it was a great purchase.
Now, enter the S3, a grab bag of 10-60 hour games that are all pretty much <20 dollars. I won't speak for anyone but myself, but I've bought many games from each S3 in the past. Right now, I've got The Ship, Max Payne 3, Recettear, Dungeon Defenders with all of the DLC, etc. Essentially, there are so many games on top of the ones I was already playing (AKA, the important ones) that I've been on video game ADD mode since this week began. I literally just got past Max Payne 3's fourth chapter when my eye caught the Recettear sale.
Which, by the way, was a hilarious transition from gritty, alcoholic Max Payne
to uber-moe, friendly Recette.
Now, I'm not going to mince words anymore or attempt to hide any sort of criticism I've got about S3. I'll just end this by saying that S3 is detrimental to enjoying the games one has acquired by means of S3. That's why I'm holding off on playing Max Payne 3 until I've completely gotten over Recettear, and so on and so forth. Even though it's fun to have all the games you've wanted for low prices, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and buy something that, for all intents and purposes, you just aren't going to play at all. It's really frustrating seeing someone buy a 60 dollar game and never play it.
I'm not sure whether she wants us to submit to her ideology of economics
or whether she's calling me a "ho".
S3 isn't a sale, it's one of those grab-bag bargain bins you'll find a bunch of weird Gamecube games in; and even though one of those is bound to be Tales of Symphonia, Paper Mario, or Pikmin, one is definitely bound to have at least 3 games out of all those that one is just not going to play.
And a world where I didn't play Tales of Symphonia is NOT a world I wish to be a part of.
PS- I've recently played a lot of League of Legends, and I'm already wishing I had started with DotA.
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